Monday, 8 October 2012

SIP Tracing on the Mitel HX5000

I hate SIP. Absolutely hate it.  While SIP trunks are advertised as a cheap replacement for ISDN, and advertised as standards based, SIP is implemented differently by each carrier, implemented differently by each manufacturer, and will work differently with different routers employed by different customers. At least with ISDN you know that when you plug in the RJ45 to the telco's box you have a 95% chance it will work straight away. If the internet connection goes down, at least you still have phones, but with SIP you risk it all on one connection.

This means I have spent a fair bit of time having to get traces out of systems to try and find out why SIP is not working.  I will come back to identifying the problems in later posts, but first of all you need to retrieve the SIP trace.

On a v4 or v5 5000 you can do the following.

  1. In Mitel DB Programming, go to 'View' and turn on Online Monitor.
  2. Navigate in the left hand pane to System \ Devices and feature codes \ Sip Peers
  3. In the General Configuration set the SIP Message output format to 'Full'
  4. Set the SIP log level to 'Information'
The effect of this will be to output the SIP signalling to the systems SIP logs.

To View the logs 
  1. Go to the Mitel System Administration & Diagnostics front end.  
  2. At the top right click on 'Connect'
  3. In the panel below that, when the play button appears click on it.
  4. On the Favourites tab, or on the System Information tab find the 'View system logs' button in the 'System Information' box and click on it.
  5. The system retrieves a full list of system logs. There is a refresh button that reloads the list at any time. find the SIP section.
  6. The logs are quickly overwritten so check the timestamp on the logs before saving or opening the log to see if it will contain your test call. 
More on SIP in another post, but this may get you started. If you see both send and receive messages you at least know port 5060 is open!

Have Fun

John Rogers

1 comment:

  1. What is an outstanding post! “I’ll be back” (to read more of your content). Thanks for the nudge! sip trunk


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